Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy National Conference

7th Edition
Resilience and Trauma
16-17 June 2022
Online Exclusively

Developing and Disseminating Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Personal and Professional Narrative

Prof. Esther Deblinger, PhD.

Institutul de Cercetare, Educație și Servicii pentru Copilul Abuzat (engl. CARES) & Universitatea Rowan din New Jersey, SUA.

This keynote address will describe lessons learned through research, clinical service, training efforts as well as personal experiences that helped to inform Dr. Esther Deblinger’s career as a co-developer of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence based treatment for children and their non-offending caregivers impacted by child sexual abuse, domestic violence and/or other traumas. She will share her personal/professional journey by integrating research findings as well as clinical and personal experiences that have informed her thinking about the critical ingredients for optimal recovery from childhood trauma.  

Early and more recent treatment outcome research documenting the efficacy of TF-CBT will be presented with a special emphasis on studies involving children impacted by war-related traumas and refugee experiences. She will also acknowledge and discuss the stressors associated with this challenging work. Finally, she hopes to inspire continued dedication to the field with an emphasis on the importance of self-care for all professionals.

Radu Șoflău


Esther Deblinger


Amy Chisholm


Steve A. Johnson

preconference Workshop

Anke Ehlers

Keynote / Workshop

Ruth Malkinson


Andrada Neacșiu


Daniel David


Lia Oltean


For any information related to the conference, don’t hesitate to contact us at

This Event was organized with the support of the Cluj-Napoca Local Council and its Office for Social and Medical Care